Sunday, September 18, 2011

How can i locate Dell equipment on my company's domain based on their service tag numbers?

I have a excel file of a list of 200 or so dell computers service tag numbers that my company has leased. The lease is now up and we have to return all that equipment. Nobody here cared to keep track of each piece of equipment as they were deployed. Now i have to look up each piece of equipment and find out where its located based on a dell service tag. Is there a script out there that i can run on my domain?|||The Dell service tag can be read from the BIOS by a program running locally on the Dell machine. You could write a program and run it on each Dell machine that would pick up the service tag and other info about the machine (IP, machine name, etc) and log it to a central server.

This snippet of VB code will pick up the Dell service tag:

Public Sub GetServiceTag()

On Error Resume Next

Set obj = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win3鈥?br>

Dim xCount As Integer

For Each obj2 In obj

Text1.Text = obj2.SerialNumber


End Sub|||call the cs and have them deal with it

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